Mini Militia Download for IOS or iPhone

If you’re iPhone user and want to download Doodle army to on iPhone or IOS currently we don’t have mod apk for IOS users. Currently, we’re working on it and maybe in near future, we’ll release an application for iPhone users as well but for now sorry. You can leave your email id in the comment section below or just post the comment that you want it for IOS device and we’ll ping you back via a reply on the comment or via email once we release this app for IOS.

Doodle Army 2 Mini Militia for Windows Phones

If you’re not using Android phone and currently have windows phone then right now we don’t have any application which is supported on windows devices and this mini militia hacked apk only works on Android devices but we’re currently working on developing or finding possible solution for windows phones users maybe in future we’ll release something for windows smartphones as well but now we can’t help you so, sorry for that.


Finally, hope you all find these mini militia hack apk and these mod apks latest version and all your problem related to buying mini militia pro pack apk etc and you get all resources like health, ammo, nitro bomb everything unlimited in doodle army 2. If you get any problem while installing or using this mod apks please let us know in the comment section. We’ll help you as soon as possible.


How to post and delete a Tweet

To post a Tweet or how to configure twitter in ios 11:

Tap the Tweet icon
Compose your message and tap Tweet.
To save a draft: Tap the X in the Tweet compose window and select Save draft. Access it (and other drafts) later by tapping the Tweet icon, then the draft icon


To reply to or mention an account:

Tap the @ symbol to bring up a list of suggested accounts you follow.
As you start typing a username the list will narrow down to fewer results.
Once you've found the account you're looking for, tap their username and it will populate in the Tweet. Your character count will adjust, as needed.
Learn about the difference between replies and mentions.

To include a hashtag in your Tweet:

Tap the # symbol and a list of current trends will appear.
You can choose to include one of these suggested hashtags (tap to select) or add your own hashtag text.

To post a photo or GIF with your Tweet:

Tap the photo icon to take a photo, or to choose a photo or GIF from your gallery. You can select up to four photos in a Tweet.
When you are finished selecting your photos, tap Add.
Once you have taken or selected your photo, you will have the option to apply a filter and crop the image by tapping the pencil icon on the attached photo(s).
You can tag people in your photo(s) by tapping Who’s in this photo? Type in the full name or @ username and then tap Done.
Learn more information about Tweeting photos, including instructions for changing your photo tagging privacy settings.